
Mikael Sellin 2018–2020

is awarded the prize/grant 2018 for his innovative work on bacterial gastrointestinal infections. He has developed a unique organ model for studying how bacteria, like Salmonella, penetrate cells in the intestine and how they interact with cellular components.   Mikael Sellin received his PhD in cell biology from Umeå University. Thereafter he decided to change research […]

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Volker Lauschke 2017–2019

is awarded the prize/grant 2017 for his work on the development and characterization of physiological hepatic model systems with the goal to study the molecular basis underlying inter-individual differences in drug response. Volker M. Lauschke received his Ph.D. from the EMBL and the Combined Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Heidelberg

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Erik Norberg 2015–2017

is awarded the prize/grant for his interesting and creative studies of alternations in the metabolism in cancer cells. The results may open new possibilities for cancer diagnostics as well as for future treatment of cancer. The prize will be rewarded in connection with the Installation Ceremony October 15th. After receiving his Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from Karolinska Institute in

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Olof Idevall-Hagren 2014–2016

Olof Idevall-Hagren has been awarded the M L Philipson award for research on the regulation of insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta-cells. In his research he uses state-of-the-art molecular biology and imaging techniques to characterise the molecular mechanisms underlying this fundamental process. After receiving his PhD in Medical Cell Biology from Uppsala University in 2010,

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Jorge Ruas 2013–2015

Excellent scientist, natural group leader and enthusiastic science communicator, Jorge Ruas at Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Physiology is all three. In awarding Ruas the 2013 Malin and Lennart Philipson Foundation Prize and Research Grant, the Board has done a hat trick. The prize is a research grant of SEK 2 million, SEK 50,000 of which

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Jenny Hallgren Martinsson 2012–2014

Jenny Hallgren´ s group studies allergic processes on the molecular level, especially asthma and in particular the role of mast cells, which are involved in allergic reactions. »As a child I remember being fascinated by the word laboratory« In 2012, Jenny Hallgren Martinsson, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University became the first recipient

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Maria H Ulvmar 2016–2018

Maria Ulvmar is awarded the M L Philipson prize and grant for research on the lymph node vascular specialization in regulation of anti-tumour immune responses and metastasis. Her research has potential to identify new molecular targets for immune therapy and ways to interfere with the mechanisms that are involved in cancer metastasis. After her PhD

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Jenny Hallgren Martinsson 2012–2014 Jenny Hallgren´s group studies allergic processes on the molecular level, especially asthma and in particular the role of mast cells, which are involved in allergic reactions. Read more Jorge Ruas 2013–2015 Excellent scientist, natural group leader and enthusiastic science communicator, Jorge Ruas at Karolinska Institutet’s Department of Physiology is all three. In

Scholars Read more