Li Felländer-Tsai

Volker Lauschke

We have developed novel 3D tissue models that accurately reflect the biology and function of human liver. Furthermore, we ANALYZED the pharmacogenomic landscape in 130,000 individuals and found that previously unappreciated rare genetic variants in drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters contribute 30-40% to differ inter-individual differences in drug response. Scientific Summary Background. Understanding human physiology, pharmacology […]

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Report by Erik Norberg

Our main goal of this study was to determine the functional role of distinct utilization of serine metabolism to lung adenocarcinomas. We identified a metabolic subtype, described by PHGDH, with poor prognosis that display with unique metabolic dependencies (Zhang et al. Cell Reports, 2017).  Summary Tumor cells display metabolic profiles that are remarkably distinct from their

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Human Rights and Community-led Development

“Human Rights and Community-led Development ,Lessons from Tostan” by Ben Cislaghi recommends Tostan as a best practice for ethical and effective development. The book is published by Edinburgh University Press.  Ben Cislaghi is an Assistant Professor in Social Norms at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Centre for Gender, Health and Violence).   Human Rights and

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Maria Ulvmar awarded grant from VR

Maria Ulvmar has been awarded the starting grant from the The Swedish Research Council (VR) 2016. The aim of the 4-year grant of 1.5 million per year (6 million SEK in total), is to support junior researchers to become established as independent group leaders. The grant is awarded to researchers within 7 years from their

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Article by O. Idevall-Hagren

In a recent study we discovered that a rare lipid in the outer membrane of b-cells plays a critical role in regulating the amount of calcium that enters the b-cell and, in extension, also the amount of insulin that these cells release. Experimental removal of this lipid by an optogenetic approach almost completely abolished calcium

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Progress report. Jorge Ruas

The transcriptional coactivator PGC-1alpha4 is induced by resistance exercise training and regulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The main aim of this project is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which PGC-1alpha4 increases muscle size and strength. Progress Report: As mentioned in our previous report, Manizheh Izadi (the PhD student who is developing this project) went to

Progress report. Jorge Ruas Read more

Scientific Report, Olof Idevall-Hagren

Many diseases are associated with disturbed organelle communication. We are trying to understand how such cross talk between cellular compartments are achieved and why they sometimes malfunction in disease. Just like our organs need to “talk” to each other to make our body function properly, the organelles inside each of our cells also need to

Scientific Report, Olof Idevall-Hagren Read more